PDF Knitting Pattern Dress for Paola Reina.

5.08 7.26  (-30%)~ 5.29 $

Sold By: Knitted beauty

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PDF Knitting Pattern Dress for Paola Reina or another doll
12-13 inch tall.

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PDF Knitting Pattern Dress for Paola Reina or another doll  12-13 inch tall. It contains instructions, photos and diagrams.   To knit it, you must be able to knit with knitting needles and a little crocheting.    I sell master-classes, which I make myself according to my knitted ideas. I write a description myself, draw diagrams and take photos. I will be glad if you like my master-classes.

I also have another patterns for Paola Reina for sale.

Come to my store “Knitted beauty” https://dailydoll.shop/authors/knitted-beauty/ ! You will see other interesting ideas.

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5.08 7.26  (-30%)~ 5.29 $

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