Video MC “Teddy Doll”

52.00 65.00  (-20%)~ 56.51 $

Verkauft durch: Polinainyakinadolls

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Author’s doll, made in the style of Teddy Doll, 28 cm high. The body, arms and legs are stuffed, but I show you how to make the legs from baked plastic.

When buying a course, you will be able to download files in PDF and PPTX format, which have a link where you can download all the necessary materials to your laptop or computer and use them for as long as you want. Consultations on the process are carried out by mail: [email protected]

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Author’s doll, made in the style of Teddy Doll, 28 cm high. The body, arms and legs are stuffed, but I show you how to make the legs from baked plastic. The head, arms (hands and forearms) and the lower part of the legs are made of baked plastic. The head is on a cotter pin, the hands have a wrist joint. The hair is molded, covered with velvet powder. We paint the face and hands. The doll’s body is stuffed, dressed in a fur jumpsuit. In the future, you can sew clothes for the Teddy Doll and it will turn into a full-fledged doll.
MK format:
• Training is conducted through detailed video tutorials. In total, 7 video lessons will be given, each of which can consist of several parts, plus a small conclusion. Almost 13 hours of 16GB widescreen video in total.
• Patterns of the body and diagrams will be given, a total of 10 author’s sheets in the form of pictures in JPG format.
• Photos of the stages of the workflow will also be available for download.
• All working materials will be available for download from Google disk. Access to it by email. Download all the working materials to your computer or mobile device and use it as long as you want in the future.
As a result: After the end of the master class, the listeners have
• Author’s doll, in the style of Teddy Doll, with molded hair and painted face, ready to dress.
• Practical skills in creating an author’s doll
• Teaching aids and materials for further repetition of the process, in the form of: patterns, photos of the process and video lessons of making a doll.
All video courses are in Russian with subtitles in English language. Subtitles generated using Google machine translationAll schemes, patterns and text documents are presented in the language of the selected subtitles.



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Polinainyakinadolls
  • Anbieter: Polinainyakinadolls
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