Video MC “Mini Tilda”

5.00 8.00  (-38%)~ 5.37 $

Verkauft durch: Polinainyakinadolls

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3 types of patterns for creating dolls: Angela, Princess and Tilda-mermaid. The size of the pupae is about 18-20 cm.

When buying a course, you will be able to download files in PDF and PPTX format, which have a link where you can download all the necessary materials to your laptop or computer and use them for as long as you want. Consultations on the process are carried out by mail: [email protected]

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The MK includes a detailed wide-format video course, lasting 2 hours and 20 minutes on making and decorating dolls, working photos and templates for making. 3 types of patterns for creating dolls: Angela, Princess and Tilda-mermaid. The size of the pupae is about 18-20 cm. The video is on my YouTube channel.
• All materials will be available for download from Google Drive, after downloading they remain with you forever (well, or until you lose it).
All video courses are in Russian with subtitles in Engish language. Subtitles generated using Google machine translation. All schemes, patterns and text documents are presented in the language of the selected subtitles.



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Polinainyakinadolls
  • Anbieter: Polinainyakinadolls
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