Knitting toys patterns Amigurumi animals tutorial English PDF

11.00 ~ 11.80 $

Verkauft durch: KnitByMaryNik

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This easy-to-follow pattern includes one PDF file with detailed instructions and photo process on how to knit and assemble all the parts to make a toy. You will need basic knitting skills and the ability to knit in a circle on 3 knitting needles.

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Knitting pattern. The pattern below is for knitting in the round using 3 needles and in stockinette stitch using 2 needles. Knit panda’s and kitty’s ears in the round, but using 2 needles! All the pieces for the 3 characters are knitted identically, apart from ears and tails.

Size: about 4.3in/11сm.

Yarns: plush Alize Softy 115m/50gr (for head, body and tail) and additional yarn Alize Angora Gold 550m/100gr (for snout, ears and paws). You are free to use similar yarns as a substitute. +/- 50m difference is alright, even one yarn brand batch may have different weights and shades sometimes! Often the yarn package information does not reflect the reality, so ideally it is better to see and feel it for yourself prior to working)

Needles: a set of sock needles 2 mm for smooth yarn and 2.5 mm for plush yarn



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  • Anbieter: KnitByMaryNik
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plush toys

Knitting toys patterns Amigurumi animals tutorial English PDF

11.00 ~ 11.80 $

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