Little mermaid with tiny cachalot knitting pattern PDF English pattern

8.00 ~ 8.69 $

Verkauft durch: KnitByMaryNik

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This easy-to-follow pattern includes one PDF file with detailed instructions and photo process on how to knit and assemble all the parts to make a toy. You will need basic knitting skills and the ability to knit in a circle on 3 knitting needles.

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Knitting pattern. Knit the head, and tail in round on 3 needles, the 4th one is the working one. Knit arms and flippers on 2 needles. Size about 5.5 in/14 сm with tail. Knitting needles: 2.5 mm needles set for doll and 2.5 mm for top and cardigan (better to use circular needles), 2 mm needles set – for tiny cachalot, 3mm – for hair. Yarn: light beige for head, body and arms (skin color) – Alize Happy Baby, 330m/100g; for tail – Yarn Art Tweed 300m/100g; for cardigan and tiny cachalot – Alize Angora Gold 550m/100g. You can use other yarn, the key is to use yarns of similar weight and appropriate for the same needles size! For hair I recommend using boucle or other textured yarn for the hair. I used Knyazhna by Troitsk, 130m/100g. If this very yarn is not available, search for a similar length substitute.



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  • Anbieter: KnitByMaryNik
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Little mermaid with tiny cachalot knitting pattern PDF English pattern

8.00 ~ 8.69 $

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