Shoes with flowers for Meadow dolls BB size

36.00 ~ 39.08 $

Vendido por: Pretty Shoes

Shoes with flowers for Meadow dolls BB size (46 cm).
Designer shoes are made entirely of natural suede and leather.


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Here you can order beautiful shoes for BB dolls Meadow dolls (46 cm).
Handmade shoes made by me. It of excellent quality. The shoes sit perfectly on the legs of the dolls.
BB doll shoes made of genuine leather or suede. There is a natural suede lining in the front of the shoe. The shoes are tight and keep their shape very well.
The sole is shoe rubber.
The shoes are made entirely by hand, without the use of machinery.

length: about 2,6 inch (6,5 cm)
width: about 1,8 inch (3,5 cm)

Processing time:
The order execution period is 1-2 weeks.

Shipping €9

Continentes de envio: África, Ásia, Europa, América do Norte, Oceânia, América do Sul

Pronto para enviar em 1-2 semanas


Política de envio

Worldwide shipping, except Poland and Finland.
Postal services of all countries do not guarantee delivery times. Possibly delivery timesup to 2-4 months.
North America: 1-4 months
Europe: 1-3 months
Canada: 1-4 months
Australia and New Zealand: 2-4 months
Latin America: 2-4 months
Asia Pacific, North Africa and Middle East: 2-4 months


Politica de reembolso

There is no return.

Informações de vendedor

  • Nome da loja: Pretty Shoes
  • Fornecedor: Pretty Shoes
  • 5.00 classificação das revisões do 5

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