PDF Sleeping Bag for Mini Doll Sewing Pattern

3.50 ~ 3.75 $

Vendido por: VecherniePosidelki

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This digital sewing pattern in a PDF-format includes step-by-step photo instructions and full-size pattern pieces to make a sleeping bag for your doll. It fits all mini rag dolls and stuffed animals made with my patterns. The sewing pattern is easy to follow and beginner friendly. Shop it now and learn how to sew your own sleeping bag!

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This is a DIGITAL sewing pattern in a PDF format. The pattern is available for instant download. You can download your file as soon as you complete your purchase.

This pattern includes step-by-step photo instructions and full-size pattern pieces to make a sleeping bag for your mini doll. It’s comfortable and roomy thanks to boxed bottom corners. The warm batting and the hood make the sleeping bag extremely snug and cozy. It’s very easy to put the doll into the bag thanks to the closure on the front, even if a doll has a tail or bulky clothes. You will find the sleeping bag easy to make, there is only one pattern piece for quick assembling.

Please note: The stuffed animal patterns are not included! You can purchase them separately.

SIZE: 19 x 8 cm (7-1/2″ x 3-1/8″)

SERIES: This bag is part of my MINI doll series. It fits all MINI dolls made with my patterns (13.5-16 cm (5-1/4″ – 6-1/4″) tall from head to toe), namely:

Mini bunny ballerina
Mini baby doll
Mini unicorn
Mini bunny
Mini Christmas bunny — coming soon!
Mini dog
Mini bear
Mini baby bear
Mini cat
Mini mice
Mini fox
Mini dinosaur
Mini frog
Mini monkey
Mini lion
Mini dolls
Mini Halloween cat — coming soon!
Mini Halloween bat — coming soon!
Mini hedgehog
Mini elephant
Mini giraffe (the horns should be slightly bent)
Mini bee
Mini duck
Mini bunny with floppy ears
Mini bunny with stand up ears (the ears should be slightly bent)
Mini bear astronaut — coming soon!
Mini alien — coming soon!

RECOMMENDED FABRICS: lightweight cotton (quilting cotton).

SKILL LEVEL: The pattern is suitable for those who have a basic knowledge of machine sewing and who are familiar with basic hand stitches.


MEASUREMENTS: All measurements are in cm and inches, seam allowance is included.

ABOUT FILE: The sewing pattern consists of 10 pages of instructions, photos and patterns.

Due to the digital nature of this item, it is NON-REFUNDABLE.

Items made using this pattern may be sold in your own shop. Mass production, re-sale and distribution of pattern pieces and instructions is PROHIBITED.

Easy sleeping basket
Hooded sleeping basket

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  • Nome da loja: VecherniePosidelki
  • Fornecedor: VecherniePosidelki
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