PDF pattern shorts for Blythe doll

3.00 ~ 3.22 $

Vendido por: Como essas bonecas

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Super easy sewing pattern shorts for Blythe doll. Like These Dolls

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PDF pattern for sewing the shorts for Blythe doll + free video instructions on my YouTube channel.

Print the file in A4 paper format with 100% scale, cut the pattern and follow the video instructions.

Please watch the video here: https://youtu.be/45zW0h-y9fM

Basic sewing skills

Level of complexity: low

Materials you will need for sewing doll’s sorts:


1. Sewing machine and machine skills

2. A piece of cotton fabric measuring 11×6 inches (28 x 16 cm) 3. Elastic 3 inch length

4. Marking pen fabrics: an air-erasable ink pen.

5. Pins.

6. Scissors.

7. Thread in fabric color.

8. Tape measure.

9. Iron.

10. Printer for print the pattern

The file is intended for personal use. It is not allowed to be resold or transferred to third parties.

The shorts you make from this pattern, you can sell.

After payment you will be able to download the file.

If you have any questions, write to me, I’d be happy to help.

Thank you!

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  • Nome da loja: Como essas bonecas
  • Fornecedor: Como essas bonecas
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