Oriental Lily Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, ENGLISH

6.00 ~ 6.52 $

Vendido por: padrões de croché

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Oriental Lily Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, Flower pattern,ENGLISH

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Inside you’ll find a pattern diagram, instructions in American Standard Terms (written in English), and a step-by-step photo guide that will show you how to crochet this beautiful Lily.

Make your own mesmerizing Lily, use it in a bouquet, flower arrangement, or as a single attractive stem flower. It would make a beautiful romantic and personal gift for your loved ones, or a great decorative arrangement for your home.

Skill Level : Beginner-Intermediate 🙂

Following the tutorial and using the recommended thread, you will make a ~8″ (~20cm) wide, ~4″ (~10cm) high. The smaller hook you use the smaller the flower you’ll get, bigger hooks will make bigger flowers – you control the size!

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  • Nome da loja: padrões de croché
  • Fornecedor: padrões de croché
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Oriental Lily Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, ENGLISH

6.00 ~ 6.52 $

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