Hat for Qbaby and Blythe

0.00 ~ 0.00 $

Vendido por: 02TinaDolls


set :hat .

❗❗❗Very important!!! Delivery for reasons beyond my control may take up to 8 weeks😔, if you are not ready to wait that long, please refrain from buying in my store🥺. Thank you for your interest, with love 02TinaDolls.😘😘😘


!!!Very important!!! Delivery for reasons beyond my control may take up to 8 weeks, if you are not ready to wait that long, please refrain from buying in my store. Thank you for your interest, with love 02TinaDolls.

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set :hat.

only the hat.

the set is suitable for dolls on the body of azon, ob 22, 24.

Continentes de envio: Ásia, Europa, América do Norte, América do Sul, Antárctida, África, Oceânia

Países de envio: Reino Unido (UK), França, Suécia

Pronto para enviar em 2-3 semanas a partir de Rússia


Política de envio

Important!!!! Delivery is carried out from Russia. After sending, you will receive a tracking number for the parcel. For reasons beyond my control, the delivery of a parcel from Russia can take up to 8 weeks.
Buyers pay all customs fees and import duties charged. The seller is not responsible for the delay in delivery due to the fault of customs.
At the moment I do not ship goods to Finland, Australia, Denmark, Poland.


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No entanto, por favor contacte-me se tiver algum problema com a encomenda.

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