Dress pattern for Blythe doll

3.90 ~ 4.24 $

Vendido por: ArtNToys

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Dress pattern for Blythe doll

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This is a dress pattern with a curly seam for a Blythe doll. There is a small sleeve. The clasp of the dress is at the back.

For this dress, choose medium to light weight fabrics like cotton and blouse fabrics. You can choose fabric with any print, but I think stripes are the most effective.

You will need snap buttons, either Velcro or buttons for fastening.

Finish the neck seam however you like. I use a 10cm x 2cm bias tape. The second file is a photo of how I process the seam of the neck and small explanations..

These are not ready-made clothes for Blythe. This item only contains the dress pattern. This is an accurate pattern, the diagram is intuitive.

There is no training in sewing, working with fabric and on a sewing machine. No text explanations. Intermediate sewing skills required.

You will receive a PDF file to print on a regular printer. The size of the elements will be correct. There is a ruler to check the correctness of the printout.

You can use this pattern to make dresses for dolls and for sale. But you may not sell, give away, publish or distribute my pattern in any way.

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