Crochet Monstera/Swiss Cheese Plant Pattern photo tutorial

5.50 7.00  (-21%)~ 5.97 $

Vendido por: padrões de croché

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Crochet Monstera/Swiss Cheese Plant Pattern photo tutorial – Crochet Plant Pattern – for Décor, Bouquets and Arrangements

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This is a crochet pattern “NOT A FINISHED ITEM” for a Monstera also called Swiss Cheese Plant in ENGLISH LANGUAGE. The Instructions are in American Standard Terms and include:
Easy to follow Step-by-step instructions and detailed photo guide with 100 + high resolution images that will explain each step on how to crochet and assemble every part of this leaf . The Pattern includes full assembly instructions of the plant.
List of Materials needed is included in the pattern. This is a digital item and classed as intelligent property and can not be returned, refunded or exchanged.

Skill Level:
Intermediate – advanced

Recommended Yarn :
3ply and 4ply was used on this model. You can also use crochet cotton 10 or DK. The various sizes of leaves are established by yarn sizes. Brand and colour codes used on this model are listed inside the pattern. Crochet Hooks 1,50mm, 2mm and 2.5mm used on this model.

Using the recommended yarn and following the tutorial your finished Product will measure approximately:
Small leaf: 6 x 6”(15 x 15cm) 3ply or crochet cotton10
Medium leaf: 7 x 7”(18 x18cm) 4ply yarn.
Large leaf: 8 x 8”(20 x 20cm) double 3ply or double 10 or any DK.

By purchasing this item you will receive an immediate download link for your pattern and instructions (not a finished product). pattern is in PDF file at high quality 300dp.

Informações de vendedor

  • Nome da loja: padrões de croché
  • Fornecedor: padrões de croché
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Crochet Monstera/Swiss Cheese Plant Pattern photo tutorial

5.50 7.00  (-21%)~ 5.97 $

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