Closed Rose CROCHET PATTERN, PDF tutorial, Flower pattern,ENGLISH

6.00 ~ 6.52 $

Vendido por: padrões de croché

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This closed rose’ bud is in a cup shape (you can decide whether you want it completely closed or slightly open). This shape makes the rose look delicate and luxurious, an ideal blossom for a bouquet or flower arrangements. Without a stem, It would make a beautiful boutonniere, brooch or other applique.

Crochet several of those, with my matching Rose Buds in Bowl and Saucer shape for a stunning rose bouquet or flower arrangement.

This document covers all stages of making this crochet rose, including sewing and arranging.

Skill Level : Beginner – Intermediate 🙂

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This closed rose’ bud is in a cup shape (you can decide whether you want it completely closed or slightly open). This shape makes the rose look delicate and luxurious, an ideal blossom for a bouquet or flower arrangements. Without a stem, It would make a beautiful boutonniere, brooch or other applique.

Crochet several of those, with my matching Rose Buds in Bowl and Saucer shape for a stunning rose bouquet or flower arrangement.

This document covers all stages of making this crochet rose, including sewing and arranging.

Skill Level : Beginner – Intermediate 🙂

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  • Nome da loja: padrões de croché
  • Fornecedor: padrões de croché
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Closed Rose CROCHET PATTERN, PDF tutorial, Flower pattern,ENGLISH

6.00 ~ 6.52 $

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