TUTORIAL Miniature eggplant with polymer clay

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TUTORIAL Miniature eggplant with polymer clay – my new lesson that will teach you how to create beautiful miniature eggplants from polymer clay. You will learn how to choose the right shades for the skin to create a realistic look. I will also show you how to quickly make dozens of eggplant slices to create multiple miniature eggplants.

This tutorial is suitable for both beginners and miniature masters. You can use these miniature eggplants in 1:12 scale dollhouses. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to create such beautiful miniatures!

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TUTORIAL Miniature eggplant with polymer clay – my new lesson that will teach you how to create beautiful miniature eggplants from polymer clay. You will learn how to choose the right shades for the skin to create a realistic look. I will also show you how to quickly make dozens of eggplant slices to create multiple miniature eggplants.


This tutorial is suitable for both beginners and miniature masters. You can use these miniature eggplants in 1:12 scale dollhouses. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to create such beautiful miniatures!


The tutorial does not show you how to make a wooden board.


💜 1 PDF file with description of materials and text in English

💜 3 JPG files duplicating information from PDF in case this format doesn’t work for you.

💜 A link to a video tutorial with a duration of 22:57 minutes (ENG sub).

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  • Продавец Rina Vellichor tutorials
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