Resin bjd doll Light, fulset, 20 cm tall

500.00 ~ 538.27 $

Vendido por: Miroxdolls


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Little Light is available for adoption. Item include this bjd doll (like on photo) with faceup, removable resin eyes, two removable wigs (natural mohair), clothes and shoes (like on photo). The doll is assembled with elastic cord.

Skintone – fair

Body – see nude photos (as an example, it is another mold of face and skintone)!

Box, cushion (random color) and certificate of authenticity are included.

The doll is made from high quality resin, casted in Korchagin Studio (Saint-Petersburg)

Free shipping via Russian post, 20-45 days

Light details:

size eyes 0.3’’ (8 mm)

height 7.8’’ (20 sm)

head circumference 6’’ (15 sm)

chest circumference 4.7’’

waist circumference 5.1’’

hip circumference 5.5’’

shoulder width 2.4’’

arm length without hand 2.4’’

leg length to ankle 3’’

nape of neck to back waist 2’’

hand 1’’

length of foot 1.2’’

width of foot 0.6’’


LittleFee clothes and shoes, Blythe knitted clothes and Pulip clothes are suitable for Light

Envíos a los continentes: África, Norteamérica, Asia, Antártida, Oceanía, Europa, Sudamérica

Listo para enviar en 3-5 рабочих дней desde Rusia


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