Paola Reina clothes set. Outfit for Paola Reina. Dress, Jeans, scarf.

45.00 ~ 48.34 $

Vendido por: Baytrees_dolls

En stock

Dress, jeans and head scarf for Paola Reina doll

RefundWarranty: Días

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Sleeveless dress, lined bodice, Velcro closure at the back. Jeans with an elastic band on the waist. Crocheted scarf made of linen yarn.

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  • Название магазина: Baytrees_dolls
  • Продавец Baytrees_dolls
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Paola Reina clothes set. Outfit for Paola Reina. Dress, Jeans, scarf.

45.00 ~ 48.34 $

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