NETEYAM avatar crochet pattern

10.00 15.00  (-33%)~ 10.71 $

Vendido por: paprikacrochetdolls

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Crochet  NETEYAM avatar doll  pattern in English.
Tutorial consists of 75 pages in PDF format with more than 100 pictures.
Skill level – advanced.

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NETEYAM AVATAR pattern – PDF file crochet doll body pattern in English.

Only one male crochet figure pattern, no finished doll.

***advanced level


Tutorial for the body   consists of 75 pages in PDF format with 100 pictures.

This pattern has been tested.

Height of the doll when using yarn 280 m/50 g hook 1.0 = 25 cm=9.75 inch.

Special notes:

wire skeleton
the head is worked down-up, it’s movable
eyes are painted
hair is from thin wool thread
accessories are made from foamiran and crocheted

The PDF file will be available to download as soon as you submit your payment (instant download). Also, if you have any questions while crocheting, feel free to contact me.

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