Monsters SET No. 2 of 2 PDF. Cute Toys Sewing Patterns.

8.00 ~ 8.69 $

Vendido por: Tokmina Olga

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Hello there! I’m excited to show you two amazing patterns with detailed instructions on how to create some really cool monsters. These toys have moving paws and little storage spaces in their mouths. We present to you the set “Monsters No. 2”, a perfect project for anyone who wants to create their own charming monsters! This set includes all the templates and instructions you need to make your own monsters at home. Simply download it now and let your imagination run wild! Whether you make them for yourself or surprise a friend, these monsters will definitely bring a smile to their face. Get ready to unleash your creativity with the Monster Pack #2 – these are two PDF files full of step-by-step instructions, from start to finish, and two files with monster designs in JPEG format so you can make your own unique toy. Have fun being creative!

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  • Название магазина: Tokmina Olga
  • Продавец Tokmina Olga
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