Knitting kitty (Copy)

245.00 ~ 263.75 $

Vendido por: KittyManiaCraft


Felted cat sculpture

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A beautiful kitty in delicate peach and beige colors is knitting a soft scarf) based on Maine Coon cat breed

Fixed sitting position, head and tail can move. The glasses can be put off. Fluffy and warm kitty, nice to hold in hands.

Total height = 18cm


Envíos a los continentes: Asia, Europa, Norteamérica, Oceanía, Sudamérica

Listo para enviar en 1-2 рабочих дня desde Rusia


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Due to current situation in the world, there can be delays during shipping. No packages were lost, but now it takes longer time to arrive than it used to be before.
Estimated time for delivery = 3-6weeks (depends on a country)
Please be prepared to wait and be patient


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