Kawaii style Baby Squirrel cuties crochet pattern toy

5.00 ~ 5.37 $

9000 disponibles

Here is a detailed crochet pattern of my Kawaii style Baby Baby Squirrel.
Pattern is written in English and Russian
Crochet pattern for little Baby Squirrel.
The Baby Squirrel is made in the style of “kawaii” – cuties.
Movable legs and head. The head is static.
The Baby Squirrel has a very bushy tail

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Welcome to my store Strakovskaya amigurumi patterns

Here is a detailed crochet pattern of my Kawaii style Baby Squirrel.
Pattern is written in English and Russian

Crochet pattern for little Baby Squirrel.

The Baby Squirrel is made in the style of “kawaii” – cuties.

Movable legs and head. The head is static.

The Baby Squirrel has a very bushy tail

Baby Baby Squirrel be a great gift for a girl

Despite the small size and seeming simplicity, you will need a confident level of crocheting and some experience in crochet toys.

Well, a little patience and yarn.

This is a 24 pages PDF crochet pattern including all the information needed to create Kawaii style Baby Squirrel.


All instructions required to complete your Kawaii style Baby Squirrel;

41 color photographs;

The size of the Kawaii style Baby Squirrel made with suggested materials is 13-14 cm with ears.

Your pattern will be available to download immediately following payment and will be received as a PDF.

Swipe to the last photo to get instruction how to buy the pattern on this website.

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This template is my author’s development, it is intended for personal use only and is not subject to sale, transfer, donation, publication by third parties.

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