Doll face pattern Amigurumi doll eyes pattern PDF in English

4.50 ~ 4.89 $

Vendido por: ZiminaDoll

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Face and eyes doll pattern in English.
The pattern contains a detailed description of the 12-inch doll’s face design.
In my shop you will find a pattern for a crocheted doll.


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With this pattern, you can decorate the face of any crocheted doll.


Skill level – advanced

Embroidery skill – beginning


You will need:


1. Threads for embroidery in three colors: blue (or green), white and black.​

2. Needle.​

3. Acrylic paint in three colors: blue (or green), white and black.​

4. Toothpicks or a very fine brush.​

5. Acrylic varnish (optional).​

6. Crochet doll head.​

7. Doll lashes and super glue.

8. Pastel crayons and paintbrush.


This eye embroidery technology developed by me is suitable even for beginners in embroidery.

The main thing is to follow the instructions and use the recommended materials.

Contact email: [email protected]

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