crochet pattern heffalump winnie the pooh PDF

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Vendido por: VermaToysPattern

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crochet pattern heffalump winnie the pooh PDF

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pdf crochet pattern
The pattern contains clearly explained instructions and photo’s to help you crochet this toy.
– Level: Beginner. Detailed pattern that is easy to follow.
– In English using American crochet terminology
– PDF document of 18 pages with detailed instructions and images
– Knowledge of stitches required: single crochet, increase, decrease, chain
1. Yarn YarnArt Jeans #19 1,5 skeins YarnArt Jeans
#74 for ears, any yarn of purple color for
embroidering and tail.
2. Hook № 2
3.polyester Fiberfill
4. Scissors
5. Needle for embroidering and attaching pieces
6. 4 T-shaped splints (20×1,6mm), 8 disks of 2cm dia,
8 shims, thin-nose pliers or splinter (for those, who
wants to do splint fastening)
7. Eyes 6mm
This pattern doesn’t contain crochet lessons. You must have basic crochet skills to make the toy.

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  • Название магазина: VermaToysPattern
  • Продавец VermaToysPattern
  • 5.00 de puntuación de 1 reseña

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