crochet giraffe pattern. crochet animals pattern.

5.03 8.38  (-40%)~ 5.40 $

Vendido por: MedvedikToys

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crochet giraffe pattern

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Patterns is written in standard US terms.
El patrón no contiene un curso básico de ganchillo - ¡ya deberías tener los conocimientos básicos!
the pattern contains 2 clothing options, a balloon and a giraffe crochetthis pattern contains:
– 43 photos of the process
– 13 pages
-step-by-step description of knitting and crochet, Assembly, and design
– pattern of pants and step-by-step description of sewing
– detailed description of creating clothing


you can crochet from any yarn, with a suitable hook, the size of the toy depends on it. when using the specified materials the full height toy size is 21-22 cm or 9.44 inches

the description itself may not be passed on to third parties, copied in whole or in part, sold or distributed. the description is for personal use only.


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  • Название магазина: MedvedikToys
  • Продавец MedvedikToys
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