Barbie clothes Patterns Mc Calls 9663 PDF

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Vendido por: PatternsBarbieDoll

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Barbie clothes Patterns Mc Calls 9663 PDF. Attention! This is a digital product!

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Barbie clothes Patterns Mc Calls 9663 PDF. Attention! This is a digital product! After payment confirmation, digital files in PDF format will be available to you for download. If you are a registered user, a link to download files will appear on the payment page. If you have not registered on the site, then you will receive an email with a link to download digital files. You buy a copy of the original vintage patterns of clothes for Barbie and other fashion dolls in the 11 1/2 inch format. Please contact me if you have any questions. I am against reselling files from my personal collection. Barbie clothes patterns vintage PDF.

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