Amigurumi toy pattern Christmas Deer Rudolph Crochet

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Amigurumi toy pattern Christmas Deer Rudolph Crochet toy pattern

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Amigurumi toy pattern Christmas Deer Rudolph. Crochet toy pattern is available in English. (PDF file)


This crochet pattern contains a detailed description of how to create Christmas Deer Rudolph, with a great amount of step-by-step photos and a list of necessary materials.

Materials needed to create amigurumi toy 12.2 in/31 cm tall toy:

●  Main color yarn – beige,  Beatriz acrylic (you surely will have another brand that is produced in your country),  100 g +/-350 m or 381 yds. (one skein)

● Yarn for the sweater – blue : Beatriz  acrylic 100 g, +/- 350 m

● Yarn for the horns – brown : Beatriz  acrylic 100 g, +/- 350 m

●  Yarn for eyes  – white and black: Beatriz  acrylic 100 g, +/- 350 m, (a little)

● Yarn for the snowflake – white:  Cotton  75 g, +/-  311 m (a little)

●  Crochet hooks:  1.5mm, 2.5mm, 3.0mm (or any other in accordance with the yarn you use).

●  Tapestry needle, scissors, pliers.

●  Soft stuffing (like cotton wool, hollow fiber, polyfill, etc.)

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