Waldorf doll kit 3 1/2, Craft kit for adults

99.00 ~ 106.65 $

Verkauft durch: Apalipalka

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With this Waldorf doll kit you will be able to make TWO Waldorf dolls 3 1/2″.



Delivery 15 – 20 days

2 in 1. In this tutorial, I showed in detail how to create two miniature dolls. One of them is a mini version of my best seller, a doll with closed eyes and a hat sewn to its head.

The other one has open eyes and long hair made of mohair yarn for dolls.


This handmade doll will be a perfect gift for your children. They will be happy to play with it in a dollhouse, as well as use it for various role-playing games.


The doll can become your toddler’s sleep companion. You can put it in the crib or your baby can fall asleep holding it in his or her hand.

My daughters play with the same dolls)))

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With this Waldorf doll kit you will be able to make TWO Waldorf dolls 3 1/2″.

2 in 1. In this tutorial, I showed in detail how to create two miniature dolls. One of them is a mini version of my best seller, a doll with closed eyes and a hat sewn to its head.

The other one has open eyes and long hair made of mohair yarn for dolls.

This handmade doll will be a perfect gift for your children. They will be happy to play with it in a dollhouse, as well as use it for various role-playing games.


The doll can become your toddler’s sleep companion. You can put it in the crib or your baby can fall asleep holding it in his or her hand.

My daughters play with the same dolls)))

✔ Materials INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF THIS LISTING craft kit for adults :


✓Pattern & Tutorial

✓Soft fabric for doll body: very soft Nicky-velour

✓Doll skin fabric (White Angel/De Witte Engel, Tone 114, Netherlands);

✓Yarn for hat

✓ Mohair yarn for doll making. Color- Brown (Wild brushable mohair)

✓Wool Batting for felting and stuffing

✓Doll making tubular gauze

✓Crochet hook 2mm

✓Knitting needles: 2mm

✓Felting needle

✓Hand-sewing needle

✓Bead needle 4″ (10cm)

✓Blunt needle to weave ends (gobelin needle)


✓Embroidery floss (brown for eyes, red or for mouth, hair color)

✓Thread for sewing (cotton, in white and colors to match doll apparel i.e. knitwear, velour, hat)

✓Strong craft thread – Polyester/extra-durable (Gutermann)


☝You will need to get your own, because they are not included in the kit :


✓ Scissors

✓ Measuring tape

✓ Disappearing fabric marker


Please note that you may not sell the dolls you create with these patterns.

Also, the patterns are to be confidential intellectual property, and no part of the patterns may be sold, published, distributed, or shared.


Each step in the guidelines and patterns is clearly described, written in English, in great detail and accompanied by high-quality photos. You will discover the secrets of fashioning an adorable face and plump cheeks and how the Waldorf doll head is made, a fundamental skill in doll-making. You can give your doll its own personality by tracing and dewing eyes, mouth, and hair.

Schifffahrt Kontinente: Afrika, Antarktika, Asien, Europa, Nordamerika, Ozeanien, Südamerika

Versandländer: Deutschland, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)

Versandfertig 1-3 Werktage von Russland


  • Name des Geschäfts: Apalipalka
  • Anbieter: Apalipalka
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