Clothes for Smart Doll – denim shorts.

55.00 ~ 58.99 $

Verkauft durch: Smart Doll-Stil

1 vorrätig

Stylish clothes for Smart doll.
Free shipping.

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You will receive – Clothes for Smart Doll – denim shorts.

The clothes are made specifically for Smart Dolls, but will also fit BJD SD 1/3 dolls with similar dimensions.

Attention! Doll, shoes and other accessories are not included in the price. Items that show in the photo such as walls, tables and humans are not included.

Ready to ship 1-3 business days.

International shipping time is extended 30-60 days.

I temporarily do not send parcels to countries such as Denmark, Poland, Sweden ,Australia,Brazil .If you are from this country and want to make a purchase, write to me, I will calculate the paid delivery

If you have any questions please contact me, I will be happy to help you.

Schifffahrt Kontinente: Afrika, Antarktika, Asien, Europa, Nordamerika, Ozeanien, Südamerika

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht 0.05 kg



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  • Anbieter: Smart Doll-Stil
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