Koala fluffy crochet pattern, English PDF, amigurumi mohair tutorial

5.50 ~ 5.91 $

Verkauft durch: Sankatoys

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Using this pattern you can create such a cute fluffy Koala Miyuki with your own hands!

In ENGLISCH verfasst, unter Verwendung der Terminologie der USA.
Finished size of the toy is about 11cm (seated 9.5cm, if using the pointed materials)
You must have basic crochet skills. Also I added video lessons for you.

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Using this pattern you can create such a cute fluffy Koala Miyuki with your own hands!

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★ Written in English, using USA terminology


★ FINISHED SIZE of the toy is about 11cm (seated 9.5cm, if using the pointed materials)

★ SKILLS REQUIRED: You must have basic crochet skills. Also I added a video lesson how to do 2 buttons mount (hidden joint using 2 buttons).


– Yarn: You can use any yarn that is comfortable and/or suitable for you. BUT preferably fluffy!

I used: Alize Kid Royal (mohair/polyamide, 50g ~ 500m, in 2 threads!!, 32sс = 4 inches). Colors: grey, black, white.

You will need a little smooth white thread to embroider a semicircle beside the eyes, as well as a little mohair (or acrylic) pink thread, to embroider the lines of the cheeks.

– Hook №1.5 (1.5mm)

– Mount: legs – buttons size 14mm 2pcs (paste into leg side), 14mm 2pcs (paste into body side); neck – buttons size 12mm 1pc (paste into body side), 14mm 1pc (paste into head side)

– 13cm one piece of wire (for arms)

- Fiberfill (zum Ausstopfen)

– Glue or sewn eyes (6mm)

– Black felting wool and 1 star felting needle №38 (felt paw pads)

– A piece of Velcro to brush the toy, and a felting needle (for example, star felting needle №38) to correct and lay the fur

– Strong thread for attaching legs/head, sewing thread (white and grey; sew using mohair tails is often inconvenient, in such cases use sewing thread), needle, safety pins, scissors, glue (Moment Crystal), thin stick (for the convenience of stuffing small parts).


This pattern is easy to follow with step-by-step instructions (12 pages with detailed instructions and photos illustrating the process)

This pattern is for personal use only. Please do not distribute, reproduce, translate into other languages, share or sell this pattern. You can sell finished products created by this pattern, but please indicate my authorship. Thanks for shopping and crochet with pleasure!

And remember, if you have any difficulties when crocheting the toys – you can ask me, I can help you 🙂



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  • Anbieter: Sankatoys
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Please note that DIGITAL goods cannot be returned or exchanged!

Therefore, when purchasing patterns in my shop, choose them carefully, consider your level and experience in crocheting, and if you have any doubts (“сan I do it?”) – better contact me for advice.

And remember, if you have any difficulties when crocheting the toys – you can ask me, I can help you.


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koala fluffy mohair crochet pattern

Koala fluffy crochet pattern, English PDF, amigurumi mohair tutorial

5.50 ~ 5.91 $

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