Knitting Pattern. Summer jumper for Barbie doll.

5.00 6.00  (-17%)~ 5.44 $

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Knitting pattern for a summer openwork jumper for a Barbie doll.
Detailed step by step description in PDF with photos of the process. Knitting back and forth in rows on straight needles. Even a beginner will cope.


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Knitting pattern for a summer openwork jumper for a Barbie doll. This detailed tutorial contains photos of the process.

This jumper is suitable for Barbie dolls from a series of fashionistas, yoga and other dolls similar in shape.

Wenn du gerne für Barbie-Puppen strickst, dann ist diese Lektion genau das Richtige für dich.

If you want to make jumper for another doll, you can use different yarn or knitting needles – thicker or thinner.

Having understood the principle of knitting, you can choose the required number of stitches for overlaying a jumper that will fit the size of your favorite doll. If your doll is larger, just add 2 or 3 stitches or use larger needles or yarn.

You will need the following:

•          Yarn 100% cotton; 50 g/ 450 m (for example Iris italian collection, Pehorka «Colored lace», YarnArt «Canarias»)

•          Knitting needles 1 mm

•          Crocheting hook 1 mm

•          Buttons or beads



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5.00 6.00  (-17%)~ 5.44 $

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