Strickmuster-Set Geister-Mr. Kürbis und Voodoo-Puppen

12.90 16.00  (-19%)~ 13.85 $

Verkauft durch: MariannaProps

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The set includes 3 PDF files for knitting on 2 knitting needles Mr. Pumpkin, Friendly Ghost and Heart Voodoo Dolls. Step-by-step instructions for embroidery toys. Knitting scheme in English by MariannaProps

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Attention! Template in English! This is a knitting pattern, NOT a finished product! A link for downloading PDF-FILES with written instructions for knitting toys instantly appears in your account in the purchase section, and also comes to the e-mail you specified when paying. Refunds are not available for digital items due to the nature of the product – please read all information carefully before purchasing. This easy to use pattern includes 3 (3) PDF files with detailed knitting and assembly instructions to create Mr. Pumpkin, Ghost and Voodoo Dolls.

Required skills:

front and back, working in rows forward and backward, increments and subtractions, mattress seam, back seam, calculation seam.

This template does not include knitting or crocheting lessons. Need a basic skill!

The toy is knitted on a flat spoke with two straight spokes or double-edged.

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  • Name des Geschäfts: MariannaProps
  • Anbieter: MariannaProps
  • Noch keine Bewertungen gefunden!

Attention! Pattern in English!

This is a knitting pattern, NOT a finished product!

You will receive a PDF FILE with written instructions. Refunds for digital items are not available due to the nature of the product – please read all information carefully before making a purchase.


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12.90 16.00  (-19%)~ 13.85 $

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