Cat, elephant, and frog –A Set of 3 PDFs with toys Sewing Pattern

12.00 ~ 13.03 $

Verkauft durch: Tokmina Olga

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Hello there! We have a great selection of patterns for creating some amazing cat, elephant and frog toys for you. All the paws are movable and you can even add some cool details to their mouths.
This product comes with three PDF files containing sewing patterns and step-by-step instructions for creating your own cat, elephant or frog plush toy. With these simple-to-follow guides, let your creativity run wild and create adorable stuffed animals at home.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced sewer, these patterns are perfect for anyone looking to add a homemade touch to their toy collection. Get your sewing machine out and let’s bring these adorable creatures to life!
To make these toys, simply follow the step-by-step photos and instructions provided with each pattern. Your finished products will measure approximately 15-16 cm in size.
Included in the package:
– 3 PDF files with detailed instructions
– A cat pattern
– An elephant pattern
– Frog pattern
If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to assist you.



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Tokmina Olga
  • Anbieter: Tokmina Olga
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Cat, elephant, and frog –A Set of 3 PDFs with toys Sewing Pattern

12.00 ~ 13.03 $

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