Bunny plush crochet pattern PDF in English Amigurumi Rabbit toy

6.00 ~ 6.45 $

Verkauft durch: ZiminaDoll

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Bunny plush toy crochet pattern PDF in English. Amigurumi soft toy.

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This is DIGITAL PDF file not a finished toy you see on the photos!


Basic crochet skills are required, such as: single crochet, increase, decrease, slip stitch.

The ability to make invisible decreases when crocheting. Embroidery skill.


Fähigkeitsniveau - Mittelstufe


Sie benötigen:


1. Plush yarn.

2. Filler for toys. ​

3. Crochet hook 3 (4) mm.

4. Safety eyes 10*20 mm., or any round eyes with a diameter of 12-15 mm.​

5. Plastic nose.​

6. Scissors, needle, Super glue, satin ribbon, thread for attaching limbs (I have Jeans yarn in the color of plush yarn).​


Using the recommended materials, the toy is approximately 7 inc (18 cm) in size.  The size may vary slightly depending on your crochet density.

The size of the finished toy depends on the yarn you choose.



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Bunny plush crochet pattern PDF in English Amigurumi Rabbit toy

6.00 ~ 6.45 $

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