Blythe doll natural hair reroot, free shipping

580.00 ~ 622.18 $

Verkauft durch: meridols_blythe

1 vorrätig

Blythe 30 sm TBL

Missbrauch melden

In my store, any doll can be purchased in installments. Just email me.



The tbl doll will be accompanied by the clothes in which it is depicted in the photos.

The work includes:


– her original makeup is polished.


– cutting out lips, filter, nose, nostrils


– pastel makeup


– application of UV coating


– eyelids are decorated with painting


– 4 new sets of eyes


– changed the cut of the eyes, dolepka


– a neck joint is installed


– sleepy eyes and vision correction around the eyes


– reroot, natural hair


– skinton tan



Shipping is done by DHL, but please keep in mind the customs fees of your own countries, as I am not responsible for their service. Thank you.



Please keep in mind that these dolls are handmade with love and care, but they are not factory quality, but for this reason they are all original and individual. A doll is not a toy, but a collectible.



If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer any of them. Thank you for visiting my store.

Schifffahrt Kontinente: Europa

Versandländer: Vereinigtes Königreich, Deutschland, Polen, Russland, Kanada, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)



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  • Anbieter: meridols_blythe
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