amigurumi crochet doll PATTERN

3.50 5.50  (-36%)~ 3.75 $

Verkauft durch: paprikacrochetdolls

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Crochet amigurumidoll pattern  in English.

Only one doll amigurumi pattern, no finished doll.

Tutorial of 28 pages in PDF format with 45 pictures. 

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PDF file crochet baby doll pattern in English.

Only one doll pattern, no finished doll.

Tutorial for the body consists of 28 pages in PDF format with 45 pictures.


Height of the doll when using yarn 280 m/50 g hook 1.0   13 cm= 5.07 inch.

But you can use a thicker yarn and  crochet hook. Then your doll will be larger.


Special notes:

 – Wire skeleton
 – the head is worked down and sewn to the body


The PDF file will be available to download as soon as you submit your payment (instant download). Also, if you have any questions while crocheting, feel free to contact me.

Downloadable pattern written in English (US terminology)



This pattern is available in English



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