Santa Claus mini toy

20.00 ~ 21.74 $

所售: ToysByEvgeniya


Santa Claus mini toy 8cm (3,2inch)
Small decoration for the Christmas tree


Santa Claus small toy on the Christmas tree

Little Santa 3.2 inches (8-9cm)

Crocheted from cotton. All details are sewn. Can be used as a toy, to decorate a tree, as a Christmas decor. A little gift for Christmas.


The toy is completely safe.

Machine washable.


Thank you for visiting my store!

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Shipping cost depends on the total weight and amount of the package. Sometimes it is included in the price of the item.

If you need the item earlier, international express shipping (DHL) is available - specified - working days of delivery.



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重量 0.090 公斤

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I want you to be satisfied! If you don’t like something, please contact me within

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I accept returns in original packaging and unused.

Returns are at your expense. Returned merchandise must be shipped back to you within 7 days of receipt.

When I receive the item in its original condition, I will issue a refund of the money paid for the item minus the cost of shipping.

You cannot cancel an order once it has been shipped. If you don’t want the item, please receive it and send it back to me for a refund.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about your purchase at any time.

If you receive a damaged item, please contact me. Refunds will be made upon receipt of a photograph of the damaged item.

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