Fairy cloth heirloom doll

150.00 ~ 161.13 $

所售: Candy Stones dolls

库存 1 件

Textile cloth doll. Easter, Birthday, Christmas gift idea. Нigh quality.

类别: ,

Beautiful fairy doll.

She is 13 inches (33 cm) tall. Her face is embroidered by hand. All clothing is removable

Each toy is unique.

The doll body is made of cotton & linen fabric and filled with soft polyester fiber.

Height: 33 cm (13 inches).

航运大陆: 非洲, 亚洲, 北美洲, 南美洲, 欧洲, 南极洲, 大洋洲

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  • Название магазина: Candy Stones dolls
  • Продавец Candy Stones dolls
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