Custom Miniature realistic crochet Sheltie Merle

298.00 ~ 321.02 $

所售: MyTinyWorldArt


This mini copy of Sheltie Merle was created to order.

The height of the realistic miniature is 5 inches (13 cm).

Crocheted from high quality mohair yarn.
Filler made of environmentally friendly polyester fiber.

!!!Not recommended for children!!!

You can send me a photo of your pet and I will create a realistic copy of it. I need good and clear photos of your pet. To create a crochet replica, I need to see your pet from different sides and angles.
The time it will take me to create your pet is approximately 10 weeks.
Just write to me! I would be happy to do something special for you.


This mini copy of Sheltie Merle was created to order.

The height of the realistic miniature is 5 inches (13 cm).

Crocheted from high quality mohair yarn.
Filler made of environmentally friendly polyester fiber.

!!!Not recommended for children!!!

You can send me a photo of your pet and I will create a realistic copy of it. I need good and clear photos of your pet. To create a crochet replica, I need to see your pet from different sides and angles.
The time it will take me to create your pet is approximately 10 weeks.
Just write to me! I would be happy to do something special for you.


航运大陆: 非洲, 南极洲, 亚洲, 欧洲, 北美洲, 大洋洲, 南美洲

航运国家: 奥地利, 奥兰群岛, 阿尔巴尼亚, 安道尔, 白俄罗斯, 比利时, 保加利亚, 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那, 梵帝冈, 英国, 匈牙利, 德国, 格恩西, 直布罗陀, 希腊, 丹麦, 西班牙, 爱尔兰, 冰岛, 意大利, 拉脱维亚, 立陶宛, 列支敦士登, 卢森堡, 马耳他, 摩尔多瓦, 摩纳哥, 荷兰, 挪威, 马恩岛, 波兰, 葡萄牙, 俄罗斯, 罗马尼亚, 圣马力诺, 北马其顿大区, 塞尔维亚, 斯洛伐克, 斯洛文尼亚, 土耳其, 乌克兰, 芬兰, 法国, 克罗地亚, 黑山, 捷克共和国, 瑞士, 瑞典, 斯瓦尔巴岛和扬马延岛, 爱沙尼亚, 法罗群岛, 新泽西, 安提瓜和巴布达, 阿鲁巴, 巴哈马, 巴巴多斯, 伯利兹, 百慕大, 博内尔岛,圣尤斯特修斯和萨巴, 维尔京群岛(美属), 维尔京群岛(英属), 格陵兰, 海地, 瓜德罗普岛, 危地马拉, 洪都拉斯, 格林纳达, 多米尼克, 多米尼加共和国, 开曼群岛, 加拿大, 古巴, 库拉索, 哥斯达黎加, 马提尼克, 墨西哥, 蒙特塞拉特, 尼加拉瓜, 巴拿马, 波多黎各, 萨尔瓦多, 圣巴塞洛缪, 圣马丁(荷兰部分), 圣马丁(法国部分), 圣皮埃尔和密克隆, 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯, 圣基茨和尼维斯, 圣卢西亚, 美国, 特克斯和凯科斯群岛, 特里尼达和多巴哥, 牙买加, 阿根廷, 玻利维亚, 巴西, 委内瑞拉, 圭亚那, 哥伦比亚, 巴拉圭, 秘鲁, 乌拉圭, 智利, 厄瓜多尔, 苏里南, 福克兰群岛, 法属圭亚那, 阿富汗, 澳大利亚, 美属萨摩亚, 贝劳, 库克群岛, 斐济, 法属波利尼西亚, 关岛, 基里巴斯, 马绍尔群岛, 密克罗尼西亚, 瑙鲁, 新喀里多尼亚, 新西兰, 纽埃, 诺福克岛, 北马里亚纳群岛, 巴布亚新几内亚, 皮特凯恩, 萨摩亚群岛, 所罗门群岛, 托克劳, 汤加, 图瓦卢, 美国本土外小岛屿, 瓦努阿图, 瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群岛, 亚美尼亚, 阿塞拜疆, 巴林, 孟加拉国, 不丹, 英属印度洋领地, 文莱, 柬埔寨, 中国, 圣诞岛, 科科斯(基林)群岛, 塞浦路斯, 格鲁吉亚, 香港特别行政区,中国, 印度, 印尼, 伊朗, 伊拉克, 以色列, 日本, 约旦, 哈萨克斯坦, 科威特, 吉尔吉斯斯坦, 老挝, 黎巴嫩, 澳门, 马来西亚, 马尔代夫, 蒙古国, 缅甸, 尼泊尔, 北朝鲜, 阿曼, 巴基斯坦, 巴勒斯坦领土, 菲律宾, 沙特阿拉伯, 新加坡, 韩国, 斯里兰卡, 叙利亚, 中国台湾, 塔吉克斯坦, 泰国, 东帝汶, 土库曼斯坦, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 乌兹别克斯坦, 越南, 也门

随时可以发货 6-8周



Shipping packages worldwide.
Packages internationally will be delivered to your local Post Office within 10 till 23 days, in very, very rare cases within 30 to 40 days.



All sales are final. If you do not receive your package, or if there is a problem with your order, let me know and we can work together to reach a solution.

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Информация о продавце

I gladly accept custom orders for a loved pet or your favorite animal. Each custom order is priced on an individual basis based on the size and detail of the animal. If you would like a custom order, send me message describing what you would like to be created and we will come to an agreement on the details. Price quotes are valid for up to one month after they are quoted. I will ask for a non-refundable down payment of 50% before I begin on your animal. Once I am finished with your animal, I will list it in my shop as a reserved listing for you. I will notify you when I do so. Custom orders must be purchased within 2 weeks of being listed, unless we come to an agreement for a set date. At the time when the two weeks is up, or the date we agreed on is up, I will list it as a regular item available for purchase by anyone and it will no longer be reserved for you.

I can also reserve an animal that you want for up to two weeks. After two weeks has passed it will no longer be reserved and will be available for everyone.

Please remember that I am willing to work with your needs, so don’t be afraid to ask questions if these policies do not work for you!


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