Fashion Doll Clothes for 11″ Dolls (30cm) – Barbie, Poppy Parker, Integrity: Mustard Cozy Knit Sweater

32.00 ~ 34.76 $

库存 1 件

Hand-knit sweater with imperceptible back seam, high collar, and mid-thigh length. Fits standard/tall Barbie and 1:6 fashion dolls. Ideal for play and display, embodying elegance in miniature fashion.


Welcome to my store! Delighted to have you here, friends!

Product Details: Hand-knit sweater. The sweater, with an imperceptible seam at the back, is worn by slipping it over the doll’s head. It showcases long sleeves, a high collar, and a mid-thigh length for the sweater. Fits standard and tall Barbie dolls, as well as other 1:6 fashion dolls. Crafted for both playtime and display, this sweater embodies elegance in miniature fashion. 

Origin: Handcrafted with care in Ukraine by a small business.

材料。 Crafted from a blend of yarn, including 49% wool and 51% acrylic.

Inclusions: The price covers one exquisite sweater. Doll, pants, shoes, and accessories are not included.

Color Variations: Colors may vary slightly due to screen settings.

Shipping via Ukrainian Post with a tracking number.

There are no animals or tobacco in the workshop!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Best wishes, Nadiia.

航运大陆: 亚洲, 欧洲, 大洋洲, 南极洲, 北美洲, 南美洲, 非洲

航运国家: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那, 英国, 匈牙利, 德国, 希腊, 丹麦, 西班牙, 爱尔兰, 意大利, 拉脱维亚, 立陶宛, 列支敦士登, 卢森堡, 马耳他, 加拿大, 美国, 亚美尼亚, 中国, 日本, 韩国, 摩纳哥, 荷兰, 芬兰, 埃及, 罗马尼亚, 克罗地亚, 以色列, 土耳其, 阿尔巴尼亚, 葡萄牙, 阿塞拜疆, 斯洛文尼亚, 冰岛, 哈萨克斯坦, 比利时, 巴西, 北马其顿大区, 爱沙尼亚, 圣马力诺, 奥地利, 摩尔多瓦, 捷克共和国, 挪威, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 塞尔维亚, 格鲁吉亚, 斯洛伐克, 墨西哥, 委内瑞拉, 瑞典, 乌克兰, 阿根廷, 黑山, 瑞士, 波兰, 法国

随时可以发货 1-3工作日 从 乌克兰



•Parcels will be dispatched via Ukraine Post.
•Estimated delivery time is usually 20-30 days, occasionally extending to 50 days or more.
•Tracking information will be provided on the day of shipment.
•Orders will be shipped within 3 business days after payment confirmation.



•You can request the cancellation of your order within 24 hours of placing it.


重量 0.02 公斤
尺寸 16 × 11 × 1 厘米

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Fashion Doll Clothes for 11" Dolls (30cm) - Barbie, Poppy Parker, Integrity: Mustard Cozy Knit Sweater

32.00 ~ 34.76 $
