Tutorial Paola Reina vestido de trabalho aberto de luxo. Molde de roupa de boneca de 12 polegadas

5.50 ~ 5.89 $

Vendido por: DearSoulDolls

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An easy-to-follow step-by-step PATTERN how to knit a luxury  openwork dress for boneca Paola Reina and dolls of the similar size – Instant pdf downloand

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PATTERN for knitting a lovely openwork dress for Paola Reina dolls and dolls of the similar size – Instant pdf download.

This pattern to fit Paola Reina, Corolle Les Cheries, Antonio Juan Munecas and other similar sized dolls.

The dress is knitted from top to bottom, in one piece. The skirt is knitted completely according to the pattern developed by me. You can knit in a circle on the stocking needles. Or on 2 knitting needles and then sew on the back. You should be able to read and knit according to the pattern.




LEVEL: Difficult level. You must be able to read the patterns, as the skirt is knitted according to the pattern! But with a strong desire, absolutely everything will cope


The listing INCLUDES:

✔step-by-step instructions of the top of the dress

✔Skirt knitting pattern

✔ video trips of small supporting moments on YouTube



MATERIALS you will need for knitting this sweater:

✔ “Kid mohair royal” (62% mohair, 38% polyamide ; 546,8yds/50gm). You can use another yarn, but with similar characteristics.

✔ Needles: set 2mm DPNs or 2mm circular needles.

✔ darning needle, crochet hook  1-1.5mm




✔ advanced knitting skills

✔ make increases and decreases

✔ be able to knit two and three loops together in different directions

✔ be able to read patterns.



PLEASE, note, the size of the sweater may slightly vary if you use another needles and yarn!





This pattern is my copyrighted design and is for personal use only, commercial or business use is prohibited. It is prohibited to sell, share, reproduce and alter any part of it. It is forbidden to distribute instructions on paper or in electronic form, you can not sell or share patterns, do not post them on the Internet, or translate them into other languages.

You can use the outfit created according to this pattern as you wish: give it as a gift, sell it (but you can’t sell it on Etsy.com) etc. When placing photos of outfits made according to this pattern on the Internet or in printed publications, there should be a link to me as the author.


Copyright © Olga Galkina (c) 2022

All rights reserved






Because it is a digital product, therefore, the store will not accept refunds, return or cancel the purchase later.



If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely, Olga

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  • Nome da loja: DearSoulDolls
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Paola Reina tutorial de tricô, Paola Reina vestido de tricô

Tutorial Paola Reina vestido de trabalho aberto de luxo. Molde de roupa de boneca de 12 polegadas

5.50 ~ 5.89 $

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