Mini teddy bunny Pinky 2.7 inch

50.00 ~ 53.75 $

Vendido por: BellDolls

1 em stock

Mini teddy bunny Pinky 2.7 inch

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The Pinky baby is sewn from a delicate velvet mini-top.
It has 5 points of articulation. The tummy and head are stuffed with sawdust. The decoration is being removed.
The rabbit is sewn according to the pattern of Victoria Makarova

Pronto para enviar em 1-3 dias úteis a partir de Rússia


Política de envio

The shipment is carried out by Russian Post. The delivery time depends on the delivery region. The average delivery time is 3 - 6 weeks.
Buyers pay all customs fees and import duties charged. The seller is not responsible for the delay in delivery due to the fault of customs.


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The store carries out the exchange, return of goods and cancellation of the order
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Terms of return
The buyer pays the shipping cost of the product upon its return. If the product is not returned in its original condition, the buyer is responsible for any reduction in the value of such goods.

Informação adicional

Peso 0.1 kg
Dimensões (C x L x A) 15 × 15 × 5 cm

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  • Nome da loja: BellDolls
  • Fornecedor: BellDolls
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