owl plush toy, cute plushies gift for her

38.00 €€~ 41.25 $

により販売されています: KnittedToysKsu


cute owl plush

shipping time 2-4 weeks


owl plushie crocheted from soft children’s plush yarn of Turkish production. Toy height is 10 cm – 3.94 inch. The width of the toy is 15 cm. Eyes on a secure mount, filler-holofiber. The toy will serve as an original gift to your loved one.

Protect the toy from contamination. In case of contamination, hand wash in cold soapy water. A toy for careful handling. Colors may vary slightly depending on the yarn batch. The size may vary up to 10 mm depending on the yarn batch!

All my toys created in a pet-free and smoke-free home. There may be some color discrepancies which is due to the different monitor settings.

出荷大陸: アフリカ, アジア, ヨーロッパ, 北アメリカ, 南アメリカ, 南極, オセアニア

発送の準備ができました 1〜3営業日 から ロシア



Dear customers. The delivery time is 3-5 weeks, delays are possible! You need to pick up the parcel from your post office within 1 month. After that, she will go back to me. The way to me costs the same as to you. When returning funds for the product, I will have to deduct double shipping from you. Please pick up your parcels on time. Let's respect each other.



You need to pick up the parcel from your post office within 1 month. After that, she will go back to me. The way to me costs the same as to you. When returning funds for the product, I will have to deduct double shipping from you. Please pick up your parcels on time. Let's respect each other.
I accept a refund if the package has not been sent yet. I send the package about 1-2 days after purchase.

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  • ベンダー: KnittedToysKsu
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