Miniature bunny. Teddy bunny. Cute bunny toy.

130.00 €€~ 139.53 $

により販売されています: マリーナポクリバロワ


Cute little bunny is made of viscose, stuffed with sawdust for teddy. Added metal granulate. Made using teddy technology using discs and cotter pins. Black glass eyes. Tinted with dry pastel. A wire is inserted in the ears of the bunny, they can bent. The height of the toy (without ears) standing 13 cm


Cute little bunny is made of viscose and stuffed with sawdust for teddy. For weighting added metal granulate. Made using teddy technology using discs and cotter pins. She has black glass eyes. The bunny is tinted with dry pastel. A wire is inserted in the ears of the bunny, they can bend. The bunny sits well, can stand with support.

For the bunny, I sewed a dress that I decorated with lace. The dress is fastened at the back with two buttons. The bunny’s head is decorated with a pink ribbon ribbon bow.

The height of the toy (without ears) standing 5.1 inches (13 cm) and sitting – 4,3 inches (11 cm).

This bunny can become your dear friend or you can give it to your loved one to make him happier.

Packaged in a carton box.

It can not be washed. Dry cleaning only. It’s important to protect item against sunlight and moisture.

All products in the store are made in a smoke-free and pet-free indoors. Colors may vary due to your monitor settings.

出荷大陸: アジア, ヨーロッパ, 北アメリカ, 南アメリカ, オセアニア, 南極, アフリカ

出荷国: オーストリア, ベラルーシ, ベルギー, ブルガリア, ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ, バチカン, イギリス (UK), ハンガリー, ドイツ, ギリシャ, デンマーク, スペイン, アイルランド, アイスランド, イタリア, ラトビア, リトアニア, ルクセンブルク, マルタ, モナコ, オランダ, ロシア, ルーマニア, サンマリノ, セルビア, スロバキア, スロベニア, トルコ, フィンランド, フランス, クロアチア, モンテネグロ, チェコ共和国, スイス, スウェーデン, カナダ, アメリカ合衆国 (US), 中国, キプロス, 香港, インド, 日本, 韓国, 台湾, タイ

発送の準備ができました 1〜3営業日 から ロシア



- Shipping after payment 1-3 days.
- Delivery time usually takes 10 to 25 working days. Delivery times may be extended before the New Year and Christmas holidays (please plan your purchase in advance).
- After sending I will give you a tracking number.
- Does not send parcels to Poland, Ukraine and New Zealand, Australia. Delivery is possible for some toys. Unfortunately, that's why I don't accept orders from these countries.



I do not accept refunds, but you can write to me for discussion.

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130.00 €€~ 139.53 $
