TUTORIAL Miniature polymer clay orange cane

6.77 11.73  (-42%)~ 7.27 $

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In this video tutorial, I will show you step by step how to make a miniature polymer clay orange cane for a dollhouse in 1/12 scale. I will show you the easiest way to create perfect, ripe and transparent pulp, tell you about the materials that I use and reveal the secret of how I make oranges incredibly juicy.

Creating whole oranges and a plate is not included in this tutorial.

Segnala abuso

In this video tutorial, I will show you step by step how to make a miniature polymer clay orange cane for a dollhouse in 1/12 scale. I will show you the easiest way to create perfect, ripe and transparent pulp, tell you about the materials that I use and reveal the secret of how I make oranges incredibly juicy.

Creating whole oranges and a plate is not included in this tutorial.

• 1 PDF file with description of materials and text in English
• 2 JPG files duplicating information from PDF in case this format doesn’t work for you.
• A link to a video tutorial with a duration of 08:02 minutes.

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6.77 11.73  (-42%)~ 7.27 $

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