Monsters SET No. 7 PDF: Cute Toys Sewing Patterns.

8.00 ~ 8.68 $

Venduto da: Tokmina Olga

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Hello there! I have two awesome patterns for you, along with a detailed guide on how to create some adorable monster toys. These are so much fun! All the parts move, and they even have a little storage space inside their mouths.
The Monsters Set No. 7 is a digital template in PDF format that will help you create some really cute plush monsters easily. It includes step-by-step instructions, so even if you’re new to crafting, you won’t have any trouble following the instructions.
This set is perfect for crafters at any level. It’s a fun way to add personality and fun to your creations. Whether you’re an experienced crafter or just starting out, these templates will make it easy for you to bring some cute monsters to life!
So what are you waiting for? Download your copy today and start creating your own monster toys! Following the step-by-step instructions and the accompanying illustrations, you will be able to make these fun toys on your own. The finished products will be about 15-16 centimeters in size.- Two PDFs with detailed instructions for each step of the process.
– A few monster patterns in JPG format that you can print and cut out.
All you need is some fabric, some thread, and a little bit of creativity to bring these monsters to life! If you have any questions or would like to leave a comment, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have and help guide you through the process.

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  • Nome del negozio: Tokmina Olga
  • Venditore: Tokmina Olga
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