Christmas hats for mini penguin crochet pattern

4.00 ~ 4.34 $

Venduto da: Oliavessna

In magazzino

Christmas hats crochet pattern for a Christmas mini penguin. From this easy crochet pattern for beginners you will create very cute Xmas hats for any small toy or my mini penguins, which will delight you and become a good, wonderful gift for your loved ones.

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– pdf format

– Pattern in English (US terminology)

Pattern includes a detailed written instructions and a lot of step-by-step photos for:

– Elf hat (crochet)

– Santa hat (crochet)

– Christmas tree hat (crochet)

– Cookie hat (crochet)



These hats are for toys with a head coverage of 14.5 cm (5,7-inches).


SKILL LEVEL: beginner (including how to switch and change yarn color, a general understanding of basic stitches and standard crochet terms, basic sewing skills).



You can use any yarn and any tool you like.


Thanks for stopping by and have a good day!

If you will need my assistance with the pattern – feel free and write me.


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  • Nome del negozio: Oliavessna
  • Venditore: Oliavessna
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