Bunny and Lion – Set of 2 PDFs: Toys Sewing Patterns.

9.00 ~ 9.77 $

Venduto da: Tokmina Olga

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I’ve got a couple of patterns for you guys, along with some detailed instructions on how to make these adorable bunny and lion plushies. The little paws are totally movable, and you can even customize the mouths with some cool details! This Bunny and Lion set is perfect for anyone who loves crafting and DIY projects!
This pack includes 2 PDFs with the pattern files and a step-by-step guide. You can download them right away and start making your own soft plushies featuring a cute bunny and a big ol’ lion! With the digital files, you can access the designs and instructions from anywhere, anytime – super convenient and easy to bring these sweet characters to life!
Bring some joy to your friends and family with these handmade creations, or make a whole collection of these awesome toys using the versatile and fun patterns! According to the instructions and the photos, you’ll be able to sew a bunny and lion yourself in no time. The plushies are about 15-16 centimeters tall.You’ll get:
– Two detailed PDFs with step-by-step instructions.
– The bunny pattern in JPG.
– The lion pattern in JPG.
Just print, cut, and you’re ready to go! Make your own little buddies with these patterns.
Let your creativity run wild!

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  • Nome del negozio: Tokmina Olga
  • Venditore: Tokmina Olga
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