Big White Rabbit

330.00 ~ 354.50 $

Venduto da: Whoa Ollie


This is a collector’s item and made for adults only. Will not be suitable for children. Can not be washed.
You get exactly the product that is shown in the photo.
It is, in a single copy, and never happen again.

Segnala abuso

This is a collector’s item and made for adults only. Will not be suitable for children. Can not be washed.
You get exactly the product that is shown in the photo.
It is, in a single copy, and never happen again.

Height 21 cm without ears.


4 pins
main fabric viscose
inside a plastic articulated skeleton for a realistic pose
inside: wood shavings, stone granules, steel granules for weight
glass eyes
accessories: cotton jacket
arms and legs are turns
ears reinforced with wire, can take different shapes
toning soft pastel
without oil smell

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Informazioni sul venditore

  • Nome del negozio: Whoa Ollie
  • Venditore: Whoa Ollie
  • Nessuna valutazione ancora trovata!

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