TUTORIAL Miniature poinsettia with air dry clay

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In this amazing tutorial, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily create a variety of leaves for a miniature poinsettia using puffed clay in a variety of perfectly textured colors. This little accessory is perfect for a 1:12 scale dollhouse. By following this tutorial, you will be able to create beautiful and realistic flowers that will be a wonderful decoration for your project. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to make such amazing miniatures!


Please note that the video does not show how to create a ceramic flower pot.


– 1 PDF file with description of materials and text in English

– 2 JPG files duplicating information from PDF in case this format doesn’t work for you.

– A link to a video tutorial with a duration of 8:50 minutes (ENG sub).

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In this amazing tutorial, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily create a variety of leaves for a miniature poinsettia using puffed clay in a variety of perfectly textured colors. This little accessory is perfect for a 1:12 scale dollhouse. By following this tutorial, you will be able to create beautiful and realistic flowers that will be a wonderful decoration for your project. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to make such amazing miniatures!


Please note that the video does not show how to create a ceramic flower pot.


– 1 PDF file with description of materials and text in English

– 2 JPG files duplicating information from PDF in case this format doesn’t work for you.

– A link to a video tutorial with a duration of 8:50 minutes (ENG sub).

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  • Продавец Rina Vellichor tutorials
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