TEMPLATE 3 miniature books part 1 | Dollhouse miniatures

5.95 11.50  (-48%)~ 6.39 $

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The set includes 3 miniature books and various printed materials. This includes postal envelopes, postcards, stamps, pictures, letters, maps, etc. You can combine it however you like to create unique dollhouse decor sets.  The book is designed for paper weight 80 gsm. Examples were printed on self-adhesive photo paper with a density of 80 g/m2 in the mode for printing photographs with the highest quality on an inkjet printer. If you use thicker paper, there is a chance that the book will not close. Therefore, I recommend that you use a hair straightening iron.  Please note that the templates are made in 1:12 scale and do not have other sizes. When printed, the text is practically unreadable. Since the newspapers are made using AI, the headlines are written in a non-existent language. The color on your template may vary.  You can use ready-made templates the way you want, including selling. But I ask you not to publish or sell files purchased here anywhere. Thank you for support!

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The set includes 3 miniature books and various printed materials. This includes postal envelopes, postcards, stamps, pictures, letters, maps, etc. You can combine it however you like to create unique dollhouse decor sets.  The book is designed for paper weight 80 gsm. Examples were printed on self-adhesive photo paper with a density of 80 g/m2 in the mode for printing photographs with the highest quality on an inkjet printer. If you use thicker paper, there is a chance that the book will not close. Therefore, I recommend that you use a hair straightening iron.  Please note that the templates are made in 1:12 scale and do not have other sizes. When printed, the text is practically unreadable. Since the newspapers are made using AI, the headlines are written in a non-existent language. The color on your template may vary.  You can use ready-made templates the way you want, including selling. But I ask you not to publish or sell files purchased here anywhere. Thank you for support!

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