Siblies Ruby Red Fashion Friends skirt and t-shirt pattern

4.99 ~ 5.34 $

Vendido por: Lady Fox Boutique

10 disponibles

Skirt and t-shirt pattern for Siblies dolls

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Pdf sewing pattern for Siblies dolls by Ruby Red Fashion Friends.

Item includes pattern of skirt, t-shirt and stockings. There is no step by step photo instructions, only pattern.

For skirt I recommend using such fabrics as thin denim or corduroy or another similar fabric. For t-shirt you should use thin knitwear.

Doll is not included. Only digital PDF file.

You are buying pattern for your personal use. You do not have my permission to share it, resell it, or give it to someone else in any form. Selling this pdf file, or it’s contents, or giving it to someone else, is wrong and violates my copyright.

You are allowed to use it for small home business. Please credit me as designer of this pattern.  Mass production of items using this pattern is prohibited.

I am not affiliated with any doll company.

Sorry, there are no refunds or exchanges on ePatterns or tutorials.

Please, contact me if you have any problems or questions regarding my patterns.

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